One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Students sitting at an outdoor table conversing with fall foliage in the background.

Parent Access

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Cedarville University is committed to the rights of the students who are attending, or who have attended, Cedarville University. A student's right to privacy regarding his or her financial information is covered by FERPA. However, a student may grant another individual online access to financial information through

For Students

If you are a student, please follow these steps to grant your parent(s) access to your account information:

  • Using, choose the Grant Parent Access task.
  • You should see your parent(s) names listed and either ADD or REMOVE beside their names.
  • If your parents are not listed, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
  • To grant your parent(s) access, click on the ADD link beside their name. If this is the first time you have granted them access, the screen will show their user ID and password. Additionally, an email will be sent to you with their user ID and password so you can forward the information to them.
  • Once your parent(s) have been granted access, they can click on the link to access your information.

Note: More detailed instructions, can be viewed on our related computer help page titled Privacy Permissions

For Parents

If you are a parent or guardian, please visit or to pay your student's bill go to the Student Finance transaction directly.

Update: 2021-08.03